In situ geological material sampling and testing

In situ outcrop or borehole testing and rock and soil sampling service

Field tests are the fastest way to obtain parameters related to the properties of geological materials. These tests have the additional advantage of not requiring reproduction of natural conditions; the conditions instead form part of the test environment.

Geología de Campo, muestreos y ensayos in situ

escOrsa conducts in situ assessment tests in outcrops. In particular, these tests offer the following results:

  • In situ assessment of natural gamma radiation
  • Resistance of rocks and materials (sclerometer, Franklin or point-load test, etc.)
  • Determination of the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using a portable photoionisation detector (PID)
  • Determination of the deformation potential of the terrain and load-plate assays
  • Determination of the bulk density using the calibrated sand method
  • Sampling of soils and rocks
  • In boreholes, field tests can be used for in situ assessments of natural gamma radiation

The in situ tests can be supplemented with laboratory tests on samples taken in the field.

Real-time information

In situ testing enables real-time decision making. Thus, escOrsa optimises response times by obtaining data with immediate results.